yes, yes and yes.
i don't know if i made the phrase up or if i heard it somewhere before, but it runs along the lines of the mandate that some of us feel we have to 'comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable' ... emphasis on the latter. i believe that many of us become 'reactants' to life - rolling with what it gives us, waiting for the next situation that demands our attention or yanks us to one side. and we stop being the 'agents' in life - making deliberate and bold choices that not only determine our life's trajectory but also create a positive ripple effect that travels beyond us.
yes, yet another feeble attempt to sound like i have more than a few working brain cells.
but i think i know what i'm talking about.
too often we trade in our destinies for monotonies. and we end up living with a whole list of 'what could have beens'. when i think about what the Scriptures say, i often think of Paul saying that he's learned to be content in every situation.
it wasn't that he sought contentment, but that he was able to apply the discipline of knowing contentment instead of anxiety. still, he believed that his life could accomplish something great. so he tried to save the world.
existential sabotage is about challenging others in their life's journey. it's about shaking things up where they are not settling into letting time drift away. it's about picking up the hero's torch and running hard and fast into the future.
and i can see that i'm messing people up already ...