
30 November 2008

Ember - the emergence of The Republic

hey everybody,

just wanted to let you know that The Republic will be presenting it's first ever event, here in downtown Barrie, ON (Canada) ... it's called Ember, and will be at Casa Cappuccino (91 Dunlop St. E.) on Friday, Dec. 12th, 2008 from 7-9pm.

... featured musical talent will be local artist Bob Charters.

... we'll be showcasing the work of Illume Photography.

... the rescuing movement of To Write Love On Her Arms will be in focus.

if anyone is in the neighbourhood (or you know of someone who is), please pass the word out.

18 November 2008

home of the dirty donut

my friend and fellow provocateur in The Republic sent this along to me ... I'd seen it before, but man does it ever resonate still.


16 November 2008

kilroy was here

rob bell has a great quote in the book Jesus Wants To Save Christians -

"If our church was taken away - from our city, our neighborhood, our region - who would protest?

Only the people who are members?

Only those who are a part of it?

Only those who attend its services?

Single mothers?



it's the dilemma behind that question that compels The Republic to be.
