
23 July 2010

before they were famous, they were voices that needed to be heard

i managed to watch a video on Bravo! about Toronto's Bohemian Embassy (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Behind-the-Bohemian-Embassy/128321293868685?v=info#!/pages/Behind-the-Bohemian-Embassy/128321293868685). what a great documentary. stories about people seeing the value in other people. stories about people pursuing a dream because it was worth chasing down. stories about people whose souls were reshaped and healed through music, poetry, drama and comedy.

stories like we want to write at The Republic.


28 June 2010

watch what you (don't) write

so after a weekend of speaking at two different venues, someone told me that even though we'd never met she was a reader of my blog posts [thanks da :)]. who knew? i figured that this was more or less just an opportunity for me to jot the occasional thought for internet posterity.

so i guess that i'd better make it more of a habit to put my thoughts out on cyberspace ... who knows who's paying attention.

a quick reflection from The Republic's last event, called Reverie: i had a great conversation with a woman who was walking off to a completely different appointment when she (her words) felt drawn in to our gathering. granted, we had the large pane glass sliding windows open at the coffee shop so that music could waft over the adjacent park, but still - and when she joined our company there, she felt almost moved to tears.

i couldn't have planned or orchestrated that. it was a divine moment for her. and without having to discuss faith or spiritual journeys or religion, she was ministered to by God.

that's what it means to present the Gospel without having to say a word.

we are the message.
