Like, who in their right mind (as a wannabe athlete) would give up the opportunity to be aligned with a corporate entity and receive the benefits associated with that kind of partnership?
Apparently this guy.
After four years of being supported by and representing Skechers Performance Division I've walked away from my 'contract'. And just like anyone with commitment issues, I swear that it's not them, it's me.
Hear me out - Skechers has been a fabulous sponsor and it's been a wonderful ride. It hasn't just been about the product perks and being affiliated with one of the greatest running brands in the world (I truly believe that), but I'm thoroughly grateful and privileged to have been able to call many top-notch human beings my colleagues during this time. People like Cris Alcantara, Nick Resch, Larry Sirois, Kyle McCabe, Josh Bolton, Tanis Bolton, Rob Brouillette, Adam Hortian, Daryl Flacks, Kirstin Schwass and Erin King are just a few of the quality folks that I got to know during my time with the ambassador team.
So why move on?
For me it's not about what I wasn't getting from them, but all about what others might.
In the same vein as my reasoning for not reapplying to claim a spot in the Boston Marathon I would love for someone else to be able to experience sponsorship at this level - and knowing that there are a limited number of spaces available on the Skechers Performance Ambassador team for Canada I felt like I have hogged some of the limelight long enough. Add to that that I definitely know of at least one person who has innocently inquired of me how to apply for an ambassadorship with Skechers ... and I knew that I'd reached the tipping point.
I will definitely be continuing to wear my Skechers Performance shoes with pride (nevermind that I still have a closet full of road and trail footwear from them!) and will likely continue to be peppering my social media posts with #getyourmilesin, #haveafastday and #GOlikeneverbefore (I mean come on, aren't those great hashtags?!?), so they'll not be far from my heart.
At around the same time that the dissolution of this partnership took place I also received a notification from the team at Endurance Tap that they accepted my application to become one of their affiliated ambassadors. So new hashtags here I come! #fuelsimply #livesimply #TeamTap #tapitevery45
I've been consistently using Endurance Tap as my energy gel/fuel of choice for a little over a year now since discovering that its consistency was the easiest to take over the course of long-distance races (marathons and beyond). I also confess to loving the fact that there are just three ingredients - maple syrup, sea salt and ginger - and I don't have to struggle to pronounce any of them.
In now way do I believe that I'm deserving of this opportunity, but I do hope that in some small way I can contribute to Team Tap's efforts to enhance the brand in our local running circles. Plus I'm always game to try something new, believing that somehow I will become a better person for it ...
Here's to new relationships and the prospect of an exciting 2018 running season!
P.S. Feel free to use the promo code "VOOFUEL" for an instant 20% discount on any purchase made at the Endurance Tap Shop! https://endurancetap.com/collections/all