
30 December 2007

greetings from holiday limbo

just a quick hello and belated merry christmas / early happy new year to everyone! i hope that you've been able to pause in the middle of the mania that is the christmas holidays to reflect on the wonder of the incarnation. let it seep into your mind and soul ... that the infinite entered the frailty of infancy, and that the uniquely sacred became the commonly mundane. and all for the sake of hopeless humanity.

it's enough to make you cry ... or sing.

catch you all in '08.

16 December 2007

the voodoo world tour

well, this is as big as it could get folks ... 3 venues, 3 different weeks. i'm not sure exactly why, but every now and again I get asked when and where I'll be speaking next. so for the dangerously curious, the gluttons for punishment and those who won't be persuaded otherwise, here's where you can find me over the upcoming weeks:

Dec 24 @ 7 pm - Trinity Community Church (Oro)
Dec 30 @ 10:30 am - Tweedsmuir Presbyterian Church (Orangeville)
Jan 6 @ 10:30 am - Living Faith Community Presbyterian Church (Baxter)

as far as the new ministry launch plans go, i'm going to try to schedule a coffee gathering for any and everyone who's interested in tracking with the voodoo lounge (it's funky, it wasn't my idea, and i don't have a better name for it yet) once the Christmas rush is over. if you'd like to be part of the underground, please leave me a note with your email address.

as my friend alex would say ... heroes wanted. safe return doubtful.


09 December 2007

rick's cafe americain

i just watched casablanca again last night. classic actors, classic lines, classic tunes. i was captivated by it this time not because of the love story-line, but by the notion that a nightclub could set the stage for a movement of resistance. an underground swell of truth-speakers and freedom-fighters. from my seat it wasn't just the front for these rebel heroes, it was the conduit. a place where ideas are born and ideals are supported.

i'd like to help give birth to something like that here. i may not be rick or sam or even victor, but it'd be a privilege just to be in the company of would-be heroes.
