
27 November 2024

Equipment review - Roore Coronado pickleball paddle

 What is it with me and Amazon paddles ...?!?

Yes, I'm extremely frugal ... some might say even 'tight-fisted' when it comes to spending my own money.
But there's also the part of me that wonders if there are 'dark horse' producers of pickleball equipment that are actually putting some fantastic products out there on the market, and it's only because of their lack of name recognition or relative newness on the scene that is limiting their reach and impact.  After all, I did sign on to be sponsored by Skechers Canada's Performance Division when they were just getting started with their technical running gear - and for them it was a bit of an uphill climb since they were primarily known as a skateboarding/fashion brand whose most prominent market offering were the hotly-debated "Shape-Ups".

[You can read more about my history with Skechers here:  http://rendezvoo.blogspot.com/2014/04/why-not-skechers.html]
In any event, as my interest piqued with respect to titanium-infused pickleball paddles I went on the hunt on Amazon's search engine ... and lo-and-behold I was introduced to Roore.

A name that I was entirely unfamiliar with.

A company that doesn't even really have it's own webpage.

And at the time a brand that only had one model available.

It seemed inauspicious ... and all the more reason for me to give them further attention.

And so without further ado I present my review of the Roore Coronado 16mm titanium hybrid paddle:
Plus since I feel like I ought to include some kind of consistent, measurable scale - I'm going to give the Coronado a solid 4.5 out of 5 pickleballs.  Time will tell if the titanium holds up.


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