05 February 2009

the human event begins

the fight for humanity begins again today.  about 25 other would-be heroes descended on downtown Orlando to explore the possibilities of a more human future with us, including my friend Lorenzo from River's Edge Community Church in Montreal.  

here are some extractions from presentations by Alex McManus, Brian Russell, Eric Sweiven and Mike Harris (as well as the group discussions that resulted):
  • the West is losing about 5000 Christians a day ... compared to China that is gaining about 16000 Christians each day
  • what kind of Christianity have we been promoting that atheists want to market the idea that people can "stop worrying and enjoy your life"?
  • in a centered set (see feb. 2 entry), we also have to be aware that Jesus is not a motionless centre
  • the human creature is the only one in the natural world who has the power to intentionally destroy the worlds of other
  • from the original betrayal (adam, eve, the garden of eden) there resulted a deep shift out of alignment with the Creator, the cosmos and with other creatures - so there is looming in our future a great re-connection
  • i'm not about making the heathen like me ... i'm about making the heathen in me human again
  • the call to repentance in the Scriptures doesn't say what to be repentent of
  • what would it be like for us to present a Gospel that people can access before opening up the Scriptures?



  1. You're really making me want to be there now!

  2. hey sam - the more that i talk with ryan and listen to stories from the past immersion cohorts, the more i wish you were here!
