can you out-hustle this guy?
since i've started working with my coach, i've been walking more during my workouts than i have in about three years. i've also been logging long runs at a much slower and more labourious pace.
my weekly mileage during this training cycle has also dropped by about 50% compared to where i was four months ago. my friend stan had even wondered if i'd stopped logging all of my training on dailymile because of the lack of total training distance. again, coach's orders.
so where do i stand now?
at this point in my training for the erie marathon, i'm running four days a week (down from six this past winter/spring). my long runs are slower than previous long runs, but heading toward longer distances. speed intervals are faster than i've run before (now just south of 4:00/km). as of today, my tempo runs are now just around my desired marathon pace of 4:30/km, which is faster than what i'd been able to put together in advance of mississauga.
am i happy?
you bet.
is my coach right?
i think that i have to reserve judgment on that until after race day - but for now everything that he's been telling me is coming to pass, so i've no reason to relinquish my trust in him.
"remember, you're a machine" he tells me.
i feel like the right gears are starting to turn.