Not physically, but perhaps psychologically.
And tomorrow I am returning to the scene of my most epic race blow-up, where I lay on the brink of oblivion before being rescued by my relentless and faithful friend Jim. Yes, in less than 24 hours I will once again tackle the 56km trails of the Limberlost Forest and Wildlife Reserve.
The last time that I was there I was tackling my first real ultra, and in part due to a mismanagement of salt intake I struggled with dehydration and a dangerously low blood pressure situation. Again, thanks to Jim's perseverance and sacrifice I managed to hobble my way across the finish line, feeling a great sense of defeat and dissatisfaction. Now, having a few more ultras under my proverbial belt (including a couple of 50ks and a 50-miler) I'm going to try my hand once more at this event.
What's going to be different this time?
Much, I hope.
For one thing I will be sharing the forest with a dozen or more of my fellow RunNinjas, covering three of the four available distance options. Just knowing that I'm going to criss-cross with my tribe members out there is going to provide me with plenty of inspiration.
Second, I plan to run with my newfound Ecuadorian friend (and experienced mountain ultra-runner) Juan - and since he has proven with consistency that he can race negative splits I'm hopeful that together we will be able to execute a smart race strategy that will serve us both well.
Third, I know what it's like to have every cell in your body yearn for you to swallow your pride and post that DNF (did not finish). I know what it's like to feel like when returning to an upright position - let alone taking another step - seems impossible. I know what it's like to watch as dozens of runners pass you by as you lay motionless on the ground.
But more than that I know what it's like to get back up from that and get the job done.
Tomorrow, I'll be armed and dangerous. Limberlost, I'm coming for you, and this time it's personal.
#redemptionrun #GOlikeneverbefore

You're going to rip it up out there, Patrick - I look forward to seeing you come tearing past me!