four names that people call me:
1. patty
2. vooman
3. p-voo
4. spiff
four jobs i've had:
1. volunteer resources administrator
2. pastor
3. funeral director's assistant
4. communications officer
four movies i have watched more than once:
1. the shawshank redemption
2. casablanca
3. the matrix
4. all of the lord of the rings trilogy
four books i'd recommend:
1. the old man and the sea
2. the bible
3. born to run
4. open
four places i've lived:
1. london, england
2. orangeville, ontario (canada)
3. mississauga, ontario (canada)
4. barrie, ontario (canada)
four places i have been:
1. cape hatteras, north carolina
2. teotihuacan, mexico
3. kota kinabalu, malaysia
4. palace of the romanian parliament
four places i'd rather be right now:
1. surfing in new zealand
2. motorcycle trip across route 66
3. whipping around in a TARDIS
4. backpacking through the UK
four things i don't eat:
1. coconut
2. bacon
3. coffee
4. alcohol
four of my favourite foods:
1. gingerbread men
2. pizza delight
3. doritos
4. hot peppers
four TV shows that i watch (watched):
1. gotham
2. ink master
3. penny dreadful
4. star trek: the next generation
four things i'm looking forward to this coming year:
1. tackling my first 50-mile race
2. teaching my daughter to drive
3. having something of a summer vacation for the first time in about seven years
4. finishing up my project motorcycle and getting it onto the road
four things i say a lot:
1. who left these lights on?!?
2. are you a runner?
3. hey, dr. brad!
4. off you go!
and now you know a little bit more about me, whether you wanted to or not. if you'd like to pick up this ball and run with it i encourage you to do so - let someone else know what you're all about!